Academic information

Academic Information

Navigating the different systems of Senior Secondary education can be complicated and overwhelming. Here we share key information to help parents/carers and students understand key academic information for their senior secondary education.


Rosny College Booklist

Click the link below to find the Rosny College Booklist for 2025 

Students are required to obtain their own books, stationary and other requirements for each of their classes individually. We partner with Office National to provide the opportuntity for students to gain access to these with ease.

Information on the requirements per subject and where to find Office National is all accessable via the attached booklist. 


The Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) & Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) Board

Students have the option of studying two full years of TASC courses or combining these courses with other forms of study to obtain their Tasmanian Certificate of
Education (TCE) such as:

  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) offerings
  • School Based Apprenticeships
  • Recognised Formal Learning (RFL)

TASC courses are organised into levels of difficulty; Preliminary courses and Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 courses (with 4 being the most difficult). Level 3 and 4 courses, also known as pre-tertiary courses, can contribute to an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR). To be eligible for the calculation of an ATAR, students must meet the requirements of the TCE.

TASC courses contribute credit points towards your TCE. A number of these courses provide an opportunity to meet the standards of Literacy, Numeracy and ICT that are required for TCE attainment. A minimum of four TASC Level 3 or 4 courses are required to qualify for university admission with three of these required to be studied in a student’s final year of study. It is recommended for students aiming for a university pathway to study at least five pre-tertiary courses over two years.

Level 1 and 2 courses are non-pre-tertiary and do not count towards an ATAR but do count credit points towards the TCE. They can be preliminary or foundation study for a pre-tertiary program. If students find that they need additional TCE credit points in year 12, there are additional short courses on offer.

In order to achieve the TCE students must meet the following requirements:

  • 120 credit points. This usually consists of 60 credit points each year 11 and 12 (equivalent of 600 hours of study)
  • A minimum of 60 Points each in year 11 and 12  (equivalent of 600 hours of study)
  • 80 points must be at level 2 subjects or higher

Requires students to demonstrate an 'adult standard' or tick achieved through specific subjects in:

  • Numeracy
  • Literacy
  • ICT

These adult standards can also be met through some short courses or tests.

More detailed information on individual TASC courses is available on the TASC website:

Please make an appointment with a Rosny College staff member, or attend one of our transition evenings to find out more about TASC and the TCE.


Vocational Educational Training (VET) Options

Vocational Educational Training (VET) are nationally recognised industry qualifications. The VET programs range from Certificate 1 to Certificate IV. VET programs, sometimes known as certificate programs, vary in hours per week and the points they attract toward the TCE. Students will need to check the points against these courses for VET during the enrolment process.

If students intend to enrol in a VET program during their study make sure they have:

  •  Applied for a VET program and completed an interview 
  •  Selected 2 or 3 additional TASC subjects to make up your full time load
  •  Selected an alternative set of subjects in case you do not get into your chosen VET program


University Pathways & the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

There are many pathways to university study. If you intend to go to university it is important to find out from the university what the entry requirements are for your preferred course(s).

Universities take into account a range of factors when making the decision about who they will offer places to. These include:

  • completion of prerequisite courses
  • performance in an audition, aptitude test, or portfolio submission
  • previous qualifications and work experience
  • a minimum Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) shows a university how your overall academic achievement in senior secondary education compares with other students in the same year group. 

ATAR is a number ranging from zero to 99.95. An ATAR compares your academic achievement with other eligible Tasmanian students. For example, in Tasmania an ATAR of 80.00 indicates that you have an overall rating equal to, or better than, 80% of other ATAR recipients in Tasmania.

Universities may use an ATAR to assess who can enrol in a particular course. For example, a university course may require an ATAR of 80.00 or above for entrance. Keep in mind that universities take into account a range of factors when deciding who they will offer places to.

Your ATAR is based on your Tertiary Entrance (TE) score. The TE score is calculated by combining the scores of your best three Level 3 or Level 4 courses from your
final year of study, with the best score(s) of up to two other Level 3 or Level 4 courses in that same year or one other year.

For further information on how the ATAR score system works visit the following locations, or reach out to our staff for support.

Understanding the ATAR: Student Factsheet - Version 1.0 (

University entrance - TASC

University of Tasmania (